Deadly Enhancements - A new story, a new podcast and a red shirt? Make it so!
Hello from Brooklyn! I have my second new story of the year released this week (and it will be the last new work from me in 2022) This story, ‘Industrial Intelligence’, contains excerpts from the diary of Hamilton Risk, one of the people racing to invent the world’s first artificial intelligence. As Hamilton is the Lord of Arran, rich and traditionally minded, this is quite the journey for him. It reflects on the change from young socialite to old man who sees the error of his ways. I’m very proud of it, and I think you’ll really enjoy it as well! The story is part of the Deadly Enhancements anthology, where thirteen visionary authors present versions of tomorrow seeking to answer those questions and explore the dark side of what was supposed to be a bright future…

What Is SolarMute?
Now some fun news: this month I’ve published my very first NEW written work of 2022! The short story, ‘SolarMute’ is part of the ‘Crooked’ anthology. It follows Sara, a young Brazilian woman, who is so desperate to escape her past she agrees to help a criminal organization steal a dead man’s mind…

'The Paradise Factory' stormed the Sci-Fi charts thanks to you!
'The Paradise Factory' stormed to No.1 in the Sci-Fi charts thanks to you!

AI + Podcasts + Posters + Lyme's disease
It’s been one crazy month! Here I update you on AI, my new artwork store, a recent podcast appearance and a battle with a nasty disease 🤒

This crazy year keeps throwing up curveballs. After getting knocked out by Covid for a good two weeks, we could finally do a small house renovation that’s been planned for nearly ten years.

This video explains what I’ve been up to for the last few months. Recently I mentioned a secret project that started off small and grew to become a huge endeavor. Well, today I am here to finally talk about it!

🪐 New Space | New Books | New Year!
Hello from Brooklyn!
So, we’re almost done with the hell-hole that was 2021. What an awful year it’s been for us Brooklyn peeps. But things are on the up! Yes indeed! There’s been a whole bunch of good stuff going on since my last video, so I made a new one to explain why I have a new writing space (yay!) and why I’m writing a fiction book (yay!!), COVID (boooo) and how I wish you all a fantastic holidays.

🇺🇸 Welcome to America!
It's a big week here in Keen Towers! I have the final copy edit of The Genesis Engine, right here in my sweaty grip ✌🏻 Now I just need to read though and confirm the revisions, then get a physical copy printed to double check the formatting! Want to know more?

📚‘The Genesis Engine’ + ‘These Artificial Horizons’ are here …
🤖 The Genesis Engine is here with and a new free book for you! That's right, after 18 months "The Genesis Engine" is here. To celebrate this I've written an additional free story "These Artificial Horizons" that deal with the month after The Genesis Engine's shattering conclusion. You can download this free novella using a link at the back of the book. Watch the video for more info!

✍🏻 Get the first 4 chapters of “The Genesis Engine” right here!
It's a big week here in Keen Towers! I have the final copy edit of The Genesis Engine, right here in my sweaty grip ✌🏻 Now I just need to read though and confirm the revisions, then get a physical copy printed to double check the formatting! Want to know more?

🤖 In a world run by AI how do you release a new novel?
Hello from Brooklyn! The Genesis Engine is being released exclusive to Amazon to start with. Why? It's what the machines tell me to do, and, well, watch to find out.

The Genesis Engine’s sci-fi artwork and awesome cover design 🚀
Hello from Brooklyn!
The release of the third Alice Yu novel is getting closer, and today I’d like to share the amazing cover art with you. It’s by the Sci-Fi artist David Dura. David did the artwork for ‘This Automatic Eden’ as well, and you can really see the world of 2050’s NY emerge in his drawings.
This cover has something very different in it—a lake, a boat and a forest. Wait, a lake? A park? Yup—a large part of The Genesis Engine is set inside New York’s mile high Blade Towers, where Alice discovers a very different world than the one she’s used to …

An All New “This Automatic Eden” For You! (Shorter / Faster / Better)
Hello from Brooklyn!
It’s been another crazy few weeks working towards “The Genesis Engine” release, and just to make my life more complicated I ended up doing a major rewrite of “This Automatic Eden” 😀
Wait, what?
It’s easier to explain in a video so here you go!

The Genesis Engine – all the things I got wrong! (and how I use a developmental edit to fix them)
The Genesis Engine – all the things I got wrong! (and how I use a developmental edit to fix them) 😀

Where is Book 3? Here!
I had originally planned to complete Book 3 'The Genesis Engine' by January 2021. It’s now April, so what happened? It seemed easier to explain in a video ... so I made one. Yes, do not adjust your sets, this is really what I look like!

Where are the Cortex novels created? Let’s have a look!
Here's a quick video of the home office where I write my 'Cortex' Sci-Fi novels, in Brooklyn, NYC, April 2021 😀 Enjoy!

From Siena to Europa… Alice Yu in “The Genesis Engine.”
I tried to keep The Paradise Factory’s story simple so I could introduce the complex world building without making the book too dense. Then, for This Automatic Eden, I looked to build out that world, but still concentrating on life at street level. Well, for The Genesis Engine, Alice—at last—gets to go inside New York’s mile-high blade towers and meet the 0.1%.
From there Alice leaves New York far behind to visit the Palio di Siena horse race in Sienna; attend a masked ball in Paris, and—