✍🏻 Get the first 4 chapters of “The Genesis Engine” right here!
Hello from Brooklyn!
It's a big week here in Keen Towers—I have the final copy edit of "The Genesis Engine" right here in my sweaty grip ✌🏻 Now I just need to read though and confirm the revisions, then get a physical copy printed to double check the formatting and we're done!
As you've all been so amazingly patient I'm giving away the prologue and first 3 chapters right now as an ebook sneak-peak.
These chapters go from the icy moon of Europa, to the Australian outback and then a mile high Blade Tower in New York. They're some of the best writing I've ever done, and I think you're going love them.
The link to get your copy is below, but first here's a little look inside:
The great warship cycled down its engines and slipped into an elliptical orbit around Jupiter. The surveillance systems out here were Earth’s best, and the latest satellites could track its fusion drives, hence this slow, secret path. It arced out toward Europa, then swung back and past Io’s rotten landscape, camouflage engaged.
Relentless logic drove its design—two fifty-foot-wide spheres connected by a three-hundred-foot-long truss. The rear sphere housed twin fusion drives, the front a series of industrial-scale printers capable of manufacturing anything from a fork to a skyscraper. Silver skin encased this form making it resemble an old airship, while vast heat exchangers chilled its surface to match the frozen void.
Near invisible, but not quite.
On its first circuit the ship did nothing but watch and listen, seeking the surveillance machinery clustered around Jupiter’s many moons. Then, sure of their locations, it built lethal viruses to seduce and co-opt them.
In its next pass the ship attacked, injecting information warfare into each satellite it passed. Some were tough and resisted for hours, most collapsed in minutes. Satisfied, the ship ramped its engines to maximum and came to rest at the Lagrange point between Europa and Jupiter. That burst of light would be noticed and analyzed on Earth, but far too late to stop the attack.
The ship had consumed most of Europa’s easily accessible raw materials during self-construction. The leftovers had been fashioned into two crude drones capable of maneuvering small loads. Still, it was patient, and the drones reliable; they shuttled away, searching for mineral-rich asteroids. Jupiter’s solar orbit was passing through the vast Trojan cloud, a debris field that matched the asteroid belt in scale, and they soon returned with supplies.
A circular mouth opened to swallow the rocks. Once inside, the printers crushed and consumed them. It built new drones. These were bigger, more complex, and came with an array of grappling hooks and claws.
Those brought back tons of material.
It wasn’t enough.
The ship fed frantically, mouth open, printers ramped to maximum. Small, agile ships emerged from its gaping maw; a black dart, a silver cylinder, a wedged shaped vessel. More, on and on, the variety and number growing. These new craft had clear instructions, select a region of the solar system and settle there. Forget Earth, that planet’s rule was over.
Finally, sated, the ship switched to the next part of its plan: weaponry. That meant tungsten, an element hard to find out here, but as days passed its armory filled. Some of its targets were small and in densely populated areas, others vast island-sized military installations. All in, the ship built 317 kinetic-strike missiles and fired them in four waves at Earth.
The first would arrive in under a week, and after that, nothing would be the same.
I do hope you like this book and I love hearing from readers and fans, so if you have any questions or comments just email me back and lets chat ... until next time, have fun!